While fizzy pop or soda may be a tasty treat for you and your friends, it may not be doing a lot of good for you. The amount of money that is spent on marketing these drinks will ensure people think that these drinks are doing them the world of good and are a vital component in a happy life. This is not the case though and people who drink a lot of soda or fizzy pop will actually cause themselves a lot of health problems and put themselves at risk. This is not to say that the occasional soft drink is a danger but anyone that drinks this style of drink of a regular basis should be aware of the negative effects of fizzy pop.
Fizzy pop which contains caffeine can actually make you more dehydrated. Given that many people are looking to take on liquid to hydrate themselves, this may come as a shock. The caffeine level in these drinks will increase the amount of urine that you have and it actually makes you thirstier.
The caffeine in a soft drink can also lead to a caffeine addiction. While caffeine is not a drug that is cited as being as bad for you as alcohol or nicotine, it is still a drug and over exposure to it can cause an addiction. Caffeine is the stimulant that is most used around the world and when people who take regular caffeine do not get their regular dosage, they will experience withdrawal symptoms.
A major factor in why you should cut down on your soda pop intake is the fact that it is very high in calories. You may love the sweet take of a coke drink but the average coke drink has 10 teaspoons of sugar in it. These calories offer no nutritional value and play a part in reducing the level of crucial minerals in your body. If you are looking to lose weight, you should avoid all of these drinks.
This also includes the ‘diet’ branded soft drinks, which are not the most helpful when it comes to helping people to lose weight. Medical research has found that people who drink diet branded drinks often have their ability to regulate their calorie intake lessened. This relates to the artificial sweeteners that are found in these drinks.
There are still concerns over the long term impact that these artificial sweeteners have on the body. While there is an acceptance that they are safe in themselves, there is a concern that a person that consumes a lot of these products will crave other sweetened products, often leading to a high calorie intake.
You should also be aware that the acid in soda pop can have a negative impact on the enamel of your teeth. Regularly drinking fizzy pop will rot and weaken your teeth, causing problems which would cost a lot of money to resolve. It may also see you in a lot of pain and it can take away from your smile.
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