Most people enjoy a drink or two and there’s no reason why you shouldn’t have an occasional drink when you’re trying to lose weight. Remember, though, that alcoholic drinks are low on nourishment and high on calories. So the more you drink, the more extra calories you’ll be taking in. Less is definitely better.
Because alcohol is an appetite stimulant, some people notice they tend to eat more when they drink alcohol. High-calorie nibbles like nuts, crisps and cheese are especially damaging or worse still, a late night take away meal. If you drink, count up the extra calories in your weight loss plan and keep within your limit. Avoid strong ales, cocktails and cream liqueurs where possible.
The message which applies to everyone (whether trying to lose weight or not), is about alcohol and safety. Safety for your own health and others. Keep within the safe limits of no more than three to four units per day for men or no more than two to three units per day for women. Binge drinking should always be avoided.
If you’re keeping off the alcohol or just don’t like drinking alcohol, choose alternative drinks carefully. Alcohol-free does not mean calorie-free. If in doubt, always read the label.
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