If you, like many millions of other, work in an office, you spend almost 8 hours per day sat in your office chair. That’s nearly half your day, sat in a chair. It’s not exactly breaking news that prolonged periods of sitting down is bad for one’s health, but a new study suggests that over 70% of people attribute back pain to their office chair.
The folks at Furniture at Work have carried out a survey of 700 people to find out a bit more about the relationship that we have with our trusty chairs. Almost all (96.7%) of the 700 people surveyed believe that the quality of an office chair affects posture. There are so many outdated office chairs that offer little to no lumbar support still in use by the masses. It’s so common to hear about back and neck pain in office workers, but it’s unsurprising given the fact that so many people sit in unsupportive chairs, in the incorrect position, for so long.
Many people don’t even leave their desk during their lunch hour, increasing their time in their chair by an extra hour. Leaving your desk for just half an hour and taking a short walk outside can go a long way to improving your health and posture, even if you don’t think it.
Posture when at work plays a huge part. So many of us sit in a slouched position at the wrong height, for so long. Ensuring that you sit in an upright position with your screen at eye level can help to reduce back pain. Taking a break and stretching every once in awhile can also help to relieve aches and pains.
Everyone is different, so finding the right office chair is a unique process. Key things to take into account are comfort, height and size if you want to avoid backache and pain throughout the day. You always notice a bad chair, but you should never notice a good one.
Check out the infographic made by Furniture at Work with the stats from the study below.
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