In my twenties I was lucky enough to stop being a grown up for a full year and went travelling around Europe with some friends. I saw some amazing landmarks and visited some awesome cities along the way. Definitely one of life’s experiences, creating memories that will stay with me forever.
I’ve always been a runner. From competing in cross country events in my teens to being in running clubs throughout my twenties. Now in my thirties I do my weekly parkrun and maybe another couple of jogs through the week depending on when I can fit them in.
During my year in Europe I really struggled to keep up with my running because none of my travelling friends were into it, or any form of fitness for that matter! I guess my younger self wasn’t quite as cautious as I would be now so I did go out running a few times and when I think back I definitely ran through some fairly questionable places on our travels. I think because I wasn’t familiar with my surroundings I found it difficult to plan my routes and even more difficult to make sure I was keeping myself safe on those routes.
By safe, I mean not running through streets where you find yourself going from a gentle jog to a sprint because you suddenly realise that you’re in a quiet, desolate location. Looking around and you’re fairly certain you’ve seen the same alleyways used in murder scenes in movies! Might sound dramatic but when you’re a lone female runner these thoughts do cross your mind and I certainly wouldn’t go out running in a strange city nowadays. I’m far too old and sensible for that, ha!
When I heard about the concept of Gym Nomad I know I absolutely would have used this service on my travels. Being away from home with people who didn’t share my passion for fitness was tough. I quickly learnt that randomly running around cities and towns I wasn’t familiar with, wasn’t the best idea as I just didn’t feel safe on my own. Equally though, we never stayed in a place long enough to warrant any kind of gym membership and day passes are usually ridiculously expensive.
Gym Nomad have created a platform initially in Amsterdam but with the aim to bring the concept to cities around the world. The platform allows you to search for the fitness class or facility that suits you and also customise the length of your membership. The great part – say goodbye to crazy day pass prices. Gym Nomad want to keep travellers fit and healthy and no longer be restricted by high prices and frequent moves. I hope the concept is a great success and only wish it had been available during my wonderful year of travelling.
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Love that you found this program and that it makes you feel so comfortable while traveling!
Danielle | FollowMyGut.com <3