So you’ve been going to the gym every day and drinking all the muscle milk you can find but still aren’t seeing any results. Why you’re not cultivating new muscle can be due to a number of reasons. Everything from genes to your diet may be affecting your muscle mass. Comb over the list of reasons presented here as to why you may not be as built as you’d hoped for.
That’s right. No matter how many times you take advantage of that gym membership it’s possible that you may never be as big as you want to. According to the authors of the seminal study, ‘Science and Practice of Strength Training,’ muscle development is heavily influenced by one’s genetically determined muscle fibre type, fat distribution, and hormone levels. The age old debate of nature v nurture can be discussed when talking about muscle growth. If two people who are the exact height and weight have the exact same workout routines and eat identical diets one is bound to be more muscular than the other. Don’t let this deter you, just be aware that there are genetically imposed limitations on everyone’s muscle mass. It’s up to you to find those limitations.
Sure you may know some 10-year-olds that eat like they’re training for a hot-dog eating competition, but that still doesn’t mean they’re eating enough, or enough of the right things. Before a workout you need to give yourself the proper fuel to get you going and after you need to replenish yourself with all the nutrients you lost while working out. If you’re eating the same way you were before you started trying to gain muscle you can be sure that you need to eat more. Munching on a cup of noodles isn’t providing the adequate nutrition your muscles need to grow. To get ripped you’ll need a steady diet that’s high in protein, carbs, and fat.
Being bigger means hitting the gym, but there is a point when you’re going to the gym too often. Muscles need time to recuperate after a workout. If they’re not given the time to rest, you’ll see minimal growth. Have a set workout that’s been proven to work by a physical trainer and stick to it. If you have an off-day, enjoy kicking back and binging on Netflix.
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